Dr. Barbara Gillliam-Professor and Dean of Students


My name is Dr. Barbara Gilliam and I have the privilege and joy of serving as a professor for Word of God International University and Haven University. I am also currently serving as your dean of students.

God has amazing truths and lessons to give you that will help to equip you to complete his purpose for your life. More than ever before, you need to be prepared to preach the word, counsel, and disciple those who are searching for hope.

The spiritual battle is meant to frighten you and the church, and keep Christians fragmented, isolated and detached from the real issue of proclaiming the good news of Jesus Christ and the salvation story!  We are created to be in fellowship with one another and pray and encourage our brothers and sisters.

I have already begun to pray for you and will continue throughout you educational journey with us.

Please feel free to contact me for questions, concerns or prayer.

Because He lives,

Dr. Barbara L. Gilliam